After receiving a draft of the future notice in January, self-imposed punishments were used to attempt to soften the blow of the proverbial NCAA hammer. A three-game suspension and a one-game suspension were given by Michigan to Harbaugh and offensive coordinator Sherron Moore, respectively. The suspensions were served at the beginning of the season.
Michigan agreed to some of the Level II allegations that included things like texting during the dead period, and allowing someone in an analyst position to help with on-field coaching. Despite agreeing to some of the weaker allegations, the school is adamant that Harbaugh did not lie or mislead investigators.
Michigan made an agreement to a four-game negotiated settlement, but the NCAA committee on Infractions rejected it. Although there is a judicial process to endure, the NCAA can still accept the self-imposed three-game suspension as a proper punishment.
Michigan will not have to address the allegations until the season is over. They have 90 days to respond, but the NCAA’s subsequent 60 day response window could see this process bleed into the summer.